League Waiver Process

Virginia Online Waiver Request Process - Select Your League

The requesting league must be chartered for the season in which the waiver is being requested.

The routing for this waiver request is as follows:

1.   The requesting league's submitted waiver request is received by its District Commissioner for approval or disapproval.   The District Commissioner may contact the requesting league for more information.

2.   If disapproved, the District Commissioner returns the waiver request to the requesting league.   If approved, the waiver request is sent to the State Commissioner or designee for approval or disapproval.

3.   If disapproved, the State Commissioner or designee returns the waiver request to the requesting league with a copy to the District Commissioner.   If approved, the waiver request is forwarded to the Regional Commissioner for approval or disapproval.

4.   If disapproved, the Regional Commissioner or designee returns the waiver request to the requesting league with copies to the State Commissioner and the District Commissioner. If approved, the waiver request is forwarded to the National Commissioner for approval or disapproval.

5.   The National Commissioner will respond to the Regional Commisssioner or designee with approval or disapproval.

6.   The waiver request approval or disapproval will then be returned to the requesting league, with copies to the State Commissioner and the District Commissioner.

7.   There is no "Appeal" process for disapproved waiver requests at any level. Babe Ruth Leagues of Virginia, Inc., its Districts, and Babe Ruth League, Inc. retain the sole approval authority for waiver requests at each responsibility level.

Please select your League Name from the drop-down list.
Your league must be chartered in an "Active League" status for the season in which the Waiver is being requested.

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